MARATHON PRAYERS (24/7 Prayer Chain) Monday 14th August – Sunday 20th August 2023

Monday 14th August – Sunday 20th August 2023


The late Apostle Ayo Babalola had a vision of being in the presence of God while the Most High was distributing gifts to nations. In the vision, nation after nation came forward and God handed a gift over to them from a basket. As he watched, the gifts in the basket finished and nothing had been given to the black race. He started weeping profusely that nothing was given to Nigeria and the black race.
In the vision, God consoled him and assured him that the best gift was reserved for Nigeria and the black race. God promised that because of the gift He has reserved for the black race, all the other nations will lay their gifts at the feet of Africa.
God told Apostle Babalola that the gift is the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit shall be given to Nigeria and to the black race if they would welcome Him and appreciate Him.
This is the third week of prayers for the Holy Spirit to be poured upon Nigeria. The prayer call was raised from Isaiah 32: 10, 15 which says that for many days and years we shall be troubled until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high.
With the added assurance that God will give Nigeria the Holy Spirit, based on the vision of Apostle Ayo Babalola, we shall continue with the righteous demand for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Nigeria.


1. Thank God for the promise of the Holy Spirit based on Isaiah 32: 15 and the vision of Apostle Babalola. Pray in thanksgiving and remind God to fulfil His promise to Nigeria.

2. Gen. 1: 1 -3 When the earth was without form and void, Holy Spirit brought light and order into the darkness of the earth.
Pray that the Holy Spirit shall give Nigeria light that will destroy every work of darkness in the country.
Pray that the presence and power of Holy Spirit shall restore order into Nigeria and bring restoration and times of refreshing to the land.

3. Luke 11: 13 Pray again that God will respond to the prayer of the saints in Nigeria and pour His Spirit upon the country.

4. Acts 1: 8 Pray for the outpouring of the Spirit of God upon the saints so that there shall be revival in the land.

5. It was shared that in 1986, Pastor Elton delivered two prophecies concerning Nigeria. One of the prophecies is that Nigeria would stink globally due to corruption, but that the tide would change and Nigeria would become a light to the nations.
The other prophecy is that God would purge the Nigeria Church and severely judge false ministers of the gospel.
A lot of prayers concentrated on the first part of the prophecy.
Pray that the prophesied judgment of God upon the Church shall commence, so that false ministers preachers would be judged as foretold in prophecy.

6. A traditionalist (may God save his soul) expressed horror at the unprecedented abominable sacrifices that were done by a politician to gain political power in the 2023 election. It was a situation reminiscent of the abominable sacrifice of the king of Moab in 2 Kings 3: 26 – 27 which produced “great indignation” against Israel. Plead the blood of Jesus, the blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel, to nullify every abomination, defilement, indignation, and spell cast over the land because of these abominable sacrifices.
Pray that the blood of Jesus shall nullify every satanic power that was released to sustain the wicked in political office in Nigeria.
Pray that the blood of Jesus shall nullify every spiritual indignation that was released against the land and against Nigerians.

7. Isaiah 11: 1 – 5 Pray again for the justices in the Presidential Election Petitions Tribunal, that the Spirit of God shall rest upon them, and they shall give judgment in righteousness and in the fear of God.
Pray that the fear and dread of the Almighty God shall rest upon the justices.



Interested persons can register at:

The Marathon Prayers ZOOM link:

Meeting ID: 940 6425 9957
Passcode: Altar

There will be no prayers on the Marathon platform during the daily 9.00pm - 10.00pm (WAT) National Prayer Altar.