MARATHON PRAYERS (24/7 Prayer Chain) Monday 30th October – Sunday 5th November 2023

Monday 30th October – Sunday 5th November 2023


A Nigerian commented recently on the social media that he owed Ms. Mmesoma Ejikeme an apology. That was the secondary school girl who fraudulently inflated her JAMB scores to award herself the highest score in Nigeria. The entire country castigated the young girl for her fraudulent audacity. What Nigerians condemned in one breath, is being celebrated in the other breath.

The Yoruba people have a proverb, that you do not obtain a blessing by fraud. Now that Nigeria has legalized illegality, what next?

Interestingly, our concern is this matter is not politicians but some of our church leaders, who repeatedly act in ways not consistent with the principles and ethics of the gospel they claim to preach. Radical Muslims were facilitated into office in 2015 by some Christian leaders. They were re-elected in 2019 by the direct intervention of colluding church leaders, and the Muslim-Muslim ticket in 2023 was endorsed by many church leaders even though they claimed the opposite. Their actions keep speaking louder than their words.

It seems church leaders are least concerned about the tens of thousands of Christians that have been murdered by radical Muslims. Neither do they appear bothered about the many Christian communities sacked by insurgents and taken over by Muslims.

It is also clear that church leaders pay little attention to God’s prophetic warning. On Saturday 14th September 2013, God warned, “If care is not taken, in 30 – 40 years, Nigeria will be like Turkey.” Ten years after that prophetic warning, church leaders consolidated political power in the hands of the Muslims through their endorsement of the Muslim-Muslim ticket. The premature congratulatory letters of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) while the case was still in court, and the press conference of PFN after the Supreme Court ruling, are evidence of questionable endorsement.

Well, maybe our church leaders know something that we do not know. If that is correct, they are yet to share their superior knowledge with us. However, from what we have seen of Nigeria since Buhari was President, there are justifiable reasons to be worried about the politics of religion, which has caused unwarranted tension, distrust, and destruction in Nigeria.

As Christians, all we can do is to pray and petition God to deliver His Church, and this country, from leaders who place their personal selfish interests above the interest of their followers. It is in realization of these facts that the National Prayer Altar has called a Solemn Assembly this week, from 29th October – 31st October 2023, to repent of what the Bible describes as “iniquity of the sanctuary” (Num. 18:1).


1. Isaiah 52:3: The Nigeria Church was compromised with the vanities of the world, which amounts to “nought” in the Presence of God. Pray that both the Church and Nigeria shall be redeemed by God without money.

2. Jer. 31:29–30; Ez. 18:1–4: Pray that the indignation of God shall be restricted to those who compromised truth and righteousness both in the Church and in the country. Remind God that the guilty priests alone should bear the iniquity of the sanctuary (Num. 18:1).

3. 2 Chro. 7:14: Pray that in this week of repentance, God shall have mercy and hear our prayers and heal our land.

4. Mal. 3:3: Pray that God shall “sit as a refiner and purifier of silver” and purge the Nigeria Church of whatever defiles the sanctuary of God.

5. Jer. 24:7: Pray that God will turn the heart of Nigerian Christians back to Him. Pray that the Church shall cease to pursue vanities of the world and seek God only.

6. Acts 1:8: Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Nigerian Christians, that will make them do the will of God and seek only God’s approval. Pray that the Nigeria Church shall be a witnessing Church.

7. Psalm 75:5–7: Pray that God will promote righteous and God-fearing Christians into positions of leadership in the Church. Pray that God will raise a new set of leaders for His Church in Nigeria


From 18th April 2022

TIME: 9:00pm – 10:00pm daily (Nigeria time)

ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 968 0619 0505
Passcode: 024184

CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bosun Emmanuel & Prof Kontein Trinya

Please share with other Christians and get them to join these prayers. THANK YOU!!!

“God is our refuge and strength.…”
Ps. 46:1