MARATHON PRAYERS (24/7 Prayer Chain) Monday 20th - Sunday 26th November 2023

Monday 20th - Sunday 26th November 2023


"And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding" (Daniel 2:21).

In three instances in the Scriptures, God talks about "times and seasons". In Daniel 2:21, the Scriptures make it clear that God controls the times and seasons. In Acts 1:7, the Bible tells us that there are specific times and seasons that God keeps close to Himself, while 1 Thessalonians 5:1 confirms that there are certain times and seasons that the saints have been given the power to know.

Any Christian assembly that lacks knowledge of the times and seasons that they ought to know will always act out of alignment with the perfect will of God. Christian leadership that does not understand the times and seasons that God has appointed for the Church and the nation will fail in its assignment.

Ecc. 3:1-8 admonishes that there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven. There is a time to love, and there is a time to hate. There is a time for war, there is a time for peace.

What time and season do we now have in Nigeria?

We are in a time and season in which iniquity is full. Every aspect of the country is brimming over with iniquity. Even the institutions established to curtail iniquity and lawlessness have themselves become lawless and sinful. To worsen matters, the Church that should be the moral standard for the country is not free. Never in the history of Christianity in Nigeria has the Church witnessed a generation of Church leaders whose only interest is Mammon. The Christian virtues of integrity, faithfulness and fear of God make no meaning to many Christian leaders.

When iniquity is full, judgment must follow. God has been sending signals in recent days that He is set to commence judgment in Nigeria. Our responsibility as intercessors is to understand what God wants to do and align with Him in the place of prayers. This is the season to intensify prayers for God to judge the wicked and the ungodly in Nigeria. It is clear that unless God executes judgment without further delay, more innocent lives will be lost, and more destruction will befall the country. Wickedness is the auto pilot in Nigeria. Only the judgment of God can apply the brakes.

This is no time to pray for God's mercy on wicked leaders, within and outside the Church. Isaiah 26:10 makes it clear, "If favor is shown to the wicked, he does not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he deals corruptly and does not see the majesty of the Lord." The wicked do not respond to mercy; they respond to judgment.

The prayer for God to judge the wicked and the ungodly in Nigeria must continue. We must pray through for God to commence judgment on evil and wickedness in Nigeria.

Isaiah 26:9 says, "For when your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness."
Only the judgment of God can teach Nigeria righteousness.
Pray for judgment.


1. Isaiah 33: 22: "For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us."
Worship and bless the LORD who is our judiciary, our legislature, and our presidency. He is the Judge of all flesh. Call on Him to save Nigeria by His righteous judgment.

2. 1 Pet. 4:17 - Call upon God to commence His judgment within the Church. Pray that God will purge the Nigeria Church of everyone and everything that defiles and pollutes the Body of Christ.

3. Isaiah 4:4-5: Pray that God will purge the Nigeria Church with "the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning."
Pray that God shall restore His glory to the Church after cleansing it of its filth.

4. Malachi 3:5: Pray for God to come swiftly in judgment against sorcerers, occultists, oppressors, and all wicked and evil leaders in Nigeria. Let God be a swift witness against them in judgment.

5. Isaiah 26:9-11: Nigeria has become a lawless, reckless, and unjust country. Pray that God will teach Nigeria righteousness through the manifestation of His fiery judgment. Pray God's hand to move in righteous indignation against wicked souls in this country.

6. Ps. 9:7-9: Pray that God will sit in judgment over every case that the judiciary in Nigeria has judged unrighteously; that God will execute judgment upon every case that the judiciary compromised.

7. Ecc. 8:11: Pray that God will arise and speedily execute judgment in Nigeria, to halt the society from self destruction.


Interested persons can register at:

The Marathon Prayers ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 940 6425 9957
Passcode: Altar

There will be no prayers on the Marathon platform during the daily 9.00pm - 10.00pm (WAT) National Prayer Altar.


From 18th April 2022

TIME: 9:00pm – 10:00pm daily (Nigeria time)

ZOOM link:
Meeting ID: 968 0619 0505
Passcode: 024184

CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bosun Emmanuel & Prof Kontein Trinya

Please share with other Christians and get them to join these prayers. THANK YOU!!!

“God is our refuge and strength.…”
Ps. 46:1