MARATHON PRAYERS (24/7 Prayer Chain) Monday 26th June – Sunday 2nd July 2023

Monday 26th June – Sunday 2nd July 2023


1. Undoubtedly, the situation in Nigeria is distressing, nevertheless, there is room for abundant thanksgiving to God. It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. Thank God for His steadfast love and mercies towards us in Nigeria. Lam. 3: 22 – 23

2. Pray that God shall destroy the spiritual, financial, and physical power base of the wicked people who have taken Nigeria captive. Is. 44: 24 – 25
Pray that every power they depend upon shall collapse, in the name of Jesus.

3. A government that is battling for legitimacy is already strangulating Nigerians with injurious policies. Pray that the spirit of the taskmaster that wants to oppress and inflict more sufferings on Nigerians shall be bound. Ex. 5: 10-14; Matt. 16: 19

4. God demonstrated the “exceeding greatness of his power” to resurrect Jesus from death. Eph. 1: 19 - 23
Pray that the resurrection power shall be released by God into this country to destroy every work and power of Satan holding Nigeria in bondage.
Pray that the resurrection power shall restore to new life every good thing that has been destroyed in Nigeria.
As Christ rose from the dead into new life, pray that the resurrection power shall make Nigeria to come out of the present travails into a glorious new life.

5. Matt. 6: 10 Pray that the kingdom of God shall be established in Nigeria and only the will of God shall be done all over this country.

6. God sent a word a few days ago that He wants to do something about the leadership of the Nigerian Church in three months. Pray that God will hasten His work to purge and purify Nigerian Church.
Pray that all those who pollute, defile, and divide Nigerian Church shall be rooted up. Matt. 15: 13

7. 2 Cor. 1: 3 – 4 Pray that God will comfort Nigerians and give grace to the people to pass through this season of affliction brought upon the country by Satan and his children.



Interested persons can register at:

The Marathon Prayers ZOOM link:

Meeting ID: 940 6425 9957
Passcode: Altar

There will be no prayers on the Marathon platform during the daily 9.00pm - 10.00pm (WAT) National Prayer Altar.