MARATHON PRAYERS (24/7 Prayer Chain) Monday 12th – Sunday 18th June 2023

Monday 12th – Sunday 18th June 2023


1. Ps. 94: 20-21 - Since 1960, access to the throne of Nigeria has been through iniquity and wickedness. This ungodly trend was started by the colonial powers. Consequently, every government in Nigeria has ruled with iniquity, injustice, and corruption.
Pray and abolish access to the Nigeria throne through iniquity and wickedness.
Pray that those who sit on thrones in Nigeria now, based on the laws of iniquity and wickedness, shall be uprooted and dismissed. Matt. 15: 13

2. Ps. 89: 14 Institute a new law of access to the throne of Nigeria based on justice and righteousness.
Decree that henceforth, no unrighteous and wicked person shall gain access to leadership in Nigeria, at any level.
Decree that access to thrones of governance in Nigeria shall henceforth be based on righteousness, justice, mercy, and truth.

3. Ps. 72 Pray that anyone occupying any throne in Nigeria in violation of the laws of righteousness and justice must be cut down and uprooted by God.
Pray that Ps. 72 shall henceforth be the law of access to thrones in Nigeria.

4. Zec. 1: 18 – 21 In the testimony entitled “Divine Revelation of Hell”, it was narrated that spiritual horns grow out of demons and serpents and enter countries and homes. Those horns influence people to do evil and commit acts of perversions.
Petition God to release the four carpenters of heaven to destroy such horns operating in Nigeria.
Pray against the wickedness and perversion that threaten to dominate Nigeria. Bind every evil spirit and nullify every evil influence that is promoting sexual perversion, immorality, wickedness, and bloodshed in Nigeria.

5. Those who looted the treasury of Nigeria and pauperized the people are now bribing with crumbs as palliatives. They have weaponized poverty and turned Nigerians into victims.
Pray that God, the Righteous Judge of all men, will punish them and break their hold upon the country. Ez. 21: 25 – 26

6. Raise a lamentation to God against Christian leaders who endorse evil and wicked politicians in Nigeria. These evil politicians have caused the death of thousands of Christians while some of the Christian leaders keep supporting them.
Ez. 34: 2 – 10 Pray that according to the Word of God, these wicked shepherds shall be dismissed from the priesthood.

7. Ps. 75: 6-7 Promotion comes from God Almighty.
Pray that God will exalt the righteous in Nigeria to positions of authority.
Pray that honest, righteous, and God-fearing men and women shall be given power and influence in Nigeria to provide righteous leadership.



Interested persons can register at:

The Marathon Prayers ZOOM link:

Meeting ID: 940 6425 9957
Passcode: Altar

There will be no prayers on the Marathon platform during the daily 9.00pm - 10.00pm (WAT) National Prayer Altar.